Jobs for Nature & The Nature Conservancy (JFNTNC)
The JFNTNC Contract
This project is led by the global non-profit organisation The Nature Conservancy, in conjunction with DOC, the Tasman, Nelson City, Buller, and Marlborough Councils. The project is called the “Restoring and Protecting Flora” Project. The Nature Conservancy has co-partnered with the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance – see background notes below. It involves wide-scale organised weed management across 35,000 hectares of the northern South Island and will explore the possibility of expanding the protection of some sites through QEII covenanting. Funding of $6 million through Jobs for Nature will employ 29 people with mobilised teams who can work across different locations and provide support to public and private landowners in their aim to leave an environmental legacy we can all share.
Almost $1.8 million of this funding has been contracted to Project De-Vine Environmental Trust (PDVET) and will be used in the Tasman District to carry out this work due to end in March 2024. This is a fantastic chance to assist many properties with a high biodiversity value, which would be struggling otherwise.
PDVET is contracted for three years to employ 9 FTEs – 4.5 in Golden Bay for local work and 4.5 based in Motueka for sites throughout Tasman.
One FTE is 30 hrs – PDVET will be offering 37.5 hrs per week and expect to deliver about 33 hrs per week, allowing for wet weather.
Where possible, we will employ extra staff recruited from those without work in the quiet months of the tourism industry – we expect this to be in the winter months of 2022 and 2023.
The contract allows funding for a Team Manager (50%) per team + Office staff, which can include the Team Manager (50%)
The contract is to carry out weed control work directed by TNC, TDC and DOC at multiple sites throughout Tasman District.
We will be employing extra staff when the opportunity arises as we need to catch up on the five-month delay in starting, i.e. more than nine when we have capacity.
We can move staff from our other Jobs for Nature contract, see above, for the winter period etc., to keep them employed.
When we work at private properties, we will send out reports to inform landowners of our progress on their property and how it relates to our other work in their area. This will help to encourage landowners to keep up their control of these fast-growing invasive plants.
We will provide updates of our work in public locations with posts on our website and on social media, as well as press releases.
There is frequent reporting to the funders.
Staff training – growsafe and first aid will be provided for those that stay more than six months.
Darren Foxwell at Takaka DOC Office, and Dan Chisnall at Motueka DOC office, are the Delivery Managers for this contract and will be overseeing our work.
For more information, see these links:
You can use the two linked releases from DOC and Buller District Council as a guide:
Project Overview
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global environmental non-profit organisation working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Founded in the United States in 1951, TNC is involved in conservation in 72 countries and territories. TNC has partnered with Kotahitanga mō te Taiao to provide funding, science, global expertise, financial tools, and support, engaging with stakeholders.
Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance was established in 2017 to work together to help nature and people thrive across Te Tauihu/ the Top of the South.
It includes Buller, Tasman, Nelson, and Marlborough councils, the West Coast Regional Council, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust, Te Pātaka a Ngāti Kōata Trust, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kuia Trust, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust, Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust, Rangitāne o Wairau Settlement Trust, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae and the Department of Conservation.
The Nature Conservancy, a global conservation organisation operating in over 70 countries worldwide, supports the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance to deliver on its strategy and manages the weed management Restoring and Protecting Flora Project.
The Department of Conservation granted the project $6 million, of which $1.4 million will be spent in Buller.
The three-year project involves wide-scale strategic weed management across 35,000 hectares of the northern South Island and will employ 29 people across four districts. This includes mobile teams working across different locations providing support to public and private landowners to leave an environmental legacy.
Jobs for Nature is a $1.219 billion central government programme that manages funding across multiple government agencies to benefit the environment, people and the regions and is part of the COVID-19 recovery package.
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At Project De-Vine, we are your unwavering ally in achieving exceptional conservation outcomes. Our team of skilled environmental professionals thrives on diversity, ensuring a comprehensive approach to every project we undertake. With seamless execution and a commitment to staying on budget, we consistently exceed expectations.
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